Advantages of Our Hoses
With our compressed air and pneumatic hoses, you get a high-quality solution that you can always rely on. Quality and a needs-orientated range of hoses and matching accessories are standard at SCHAUENBURG Ruhrkunststoff GmbH.
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Our Top Applications
Our hoses are ideal for use in compressed air systems, for air extraction and in respiratory protection systems such as suits with hose supply. Thanks to our diverse range of hoses with different properties, you can easily find the right product for your needs.
Discover the perfect hose for your specific requirements today or benefit from our expertise and advice on our comprehensive product range!

Compressed Air Supply
We offer hoses for various compressed air applications and produce hose solutions for air intake, which can also be used in mobile compressors to generate compressed air. Our FLEXADUX P2 series, for example, is suitable as a compressor hose for fresh air intake in compressor systems.
Our Products
Respiratory Protection Systems
Unsere Schläuche für Atemschutzsysteme, einschließlich Anzüge mit integrierter Luftzufuhr, müssen strenge Kriterien erfüllen, um Sicherheitsstandards zu gewährleisten und Gesundheitsrisiken zu minimieren. In Schutzanzügen ist beispielsweise ein großer Biegeradius erforderlich, um uneingeschränkte Bewegungsfreiheit zu gewährleisten, ohne die Luftversorgung zu beeinträchtigen. Zudem sind biologische Widerstandsfähigkeit und Leckagesicherheit von großer Bedeutung. Unser Sortiment bietet Ihnen eine Vielzahl von Schlauchlösungen, die diesen anspruchsvollen Anforderungen gerecht werden.
Our ProductsApplications in Pneumatic and Compressed Air Technology
Our hoses for respiratory protection systems, such as suits with integrated air supply, meet strict safety requirements in order to minimise health risks. In protective suits, for example, a large bending radius is required to ensure ease of movement without impairing the air supply. Biological resistance and leakage protection are also crucial. At SCHAUENBURG Ruhrkunststoff GmbH, you will find an extensive range of hose solutions that fulfil these high requirements.

Accessories & Connection Parts
In addition to our wide range of hoses for compressed air technology, we also offer the right accessories, including quick couplings, hose reels, plug-in nipples, reels and much more to fully equip your hose system. Special accessories can be customised on request to meet your specific requirements.